Recently in the online infertility support group I’m a part
of, there was a thread asking everyone to introduce ourselves. The specifics were, how long have you been
married, where you live, how long have you been trying to conceive, and what
your diagnosis is.
I am blessed by this group.
It is a group of Christian women, struggling to conceive, but believing
in the power of God. I joined in the
last 4 weeks and I look forward to getting to know these women who understand
the desire to hold a child and the weariness that comes with waiting. So I
really like the idea of knowing more about the lives of the women I was praying
for and who are praying for me. But I
worry, when waiting for a miracle; we are giving too much power to medical
diagnosis. I’m not saying cancer patients
shouldn’t seek treatment or that diabetics should throw out their insulin; don’t
get me wrong. But I am saying, when God
whispers the promise of children to you and your loved ones, why not believe
that promise by living it; speaking it? Why not put your faith in God’s word
and not a test.